ISSUES . 2002 . 2003 .. 2004 .. 2005 . 2006 .. 2007 . 2008 . 2009 . 2010 . 2011 . 2012 . 2013 . 2014 . 2015 . 2016 . 2017 .
Issue #
Sermon Title
01-05-0390520Ken BaughElements of Discipleship - Part 3: "The Barrier of Pride"  
Cancelled... due to snow!  
01-12-0370131Lon Solomon"Trusting God for the Impossible" (Vision Message - January 2003)  
FrontlineF71307Ken BaughThe Lord of the Rings - Part 1: "A Ringbearer's Destiny"  
01-19-0344049Lon SolomonL.O.P. - Part 49: Mars Hill Sermon - Part 1: "God Made the World and Everything in It"  
FrontlineF71308Ken BaughThe Lord of the Rings - Part 2: "The Heart of Aragorn"  
01-26-0344050Lon SolomonL.O.P. - Part 50: Mars Hill Sermon - Part 2: "From One Man God Made Every Nation"
FrontlineF71309Ken BaughThe Lord of the Rings - Part 3: "Evil in Middle Earth"  
02-02-0344051Lon SolomonLife of Paul - Part 51: "God Will Give Me Justice"  
FrontlineF71310Ken BaughThe Lord of the Rings - Part 4: "The Power of the Ring"  
02-09-0344052Lon SolomonLife of Paul - Part 52: "God's Plan for Priscilla and Aquila"  
FrontlineF71311Ken BaughThe Lord of the Rings - Part 5: "The Fellowship of the Ring"  
Cancelled... due to blizzard!  
Cancelled... due to blizzard!  
02-23-0344053Lon SolomonLife of Paul - Part 53: "Devoted to Sharing Jesus"  
FrontlineF90063Ken and LonSpecial Service: The Ordination of John Park  
03-02-0344054Lon SolomonLife of Paul - Part 54: "The True Source of Security"
FrontlineF71312Ken BaughThe Lord of the Rings - Part 6: "Life In The Shire"  
03-09-0390521Ken BaughElements of Discipleship - Part 4: "Vocation of a Disciple"  
FrontlineF71313Ken BaughHe Cried Out - Part 1: "Father, Forgive Them"  
03-16-0390522Ken Baugh@Rt7"Sold Out"  
03-16-0390501Denny Harris@BHR"Friendship" (same as 2-24-02)  
FrontlineF71314Ken BaughHe Cried Out - Part 2: "Today in Paradise"  
03-23-0344055Lon SolomonLife of Paul - Part 55: "The Safest Place To Be"  
FrontlineF60000Ken BaughPS23 (The 23rd Psalm)  
03-30-0371188Lon SolomonThe War in Iraq: "Coping with Grief"  
FrontlineF71315Ken BaughHe Cried Out - Part 3: "Agony of the Soul"  
Lon Solomon
Life of Paul - Part 56: "How To Be A Good Team Member"  
FrontlineF71316Ken BaughHe Cried Out - Part 4: "The Promise"  
04-13-0372180Lon Solomon The Triumphal Entry: "Seeing the World as God Sees It" (Palm Sunday 2003)
FrontlineF71317John Park He Cried Out - Part 5: "Father, Into Your Hands I Commend My Spirit"  
04-20-0372181Lon Solomon"The Good News of the Resurrection" (Easter Sunday 2003)  
FrontlineF71318Ken BaughHe Cried Out - Part 6: "It Is Finished"  
04-27-0344057Lon SolomonLife of Paul - Part 57: "Trusting God to Turn Hearts"  
FrontlineF71319Ken BaughLife Without Regret - Part 1: "Service"  
05-04-0390523Claude AllenCaring for People Affected by Disability  
FrontlineF71320Denny HendersonLife Without Regret - Part 2: "True Worship"  
05-11-0372182Lon Solomon"God and Motherhood"  
FrontlineF71321Mike HurtLife Without Regret - Part3: "Relationships without Regret"  
05-18-0344058Lon SolomonLife of Paul - Part 58: "If It's God's Will"
FrontlineF71322Ken BaughAdventures in Faith - Part 1: "Joseph"  
05-25-0390524Ken Baugh@Rt7 "Today in Paradise"  
05-25-0390525Denny Harris@BHR"A Living Memorial"  
FrontlineF71323Ken BaughAdventures in Faith - Part 2: "Faith in the Fire"  
06-01-0344059Lon SolomonLife of Paul - Part 59: "The Most Powerful Messianic Prophecy"  
FrontlineF71324Ken BaughAdventures in Faith - Part 3: "Faith in the Dark"  
06-08-0344060Lon SolomonLife of Paul - Part 60: "The Holy Spirit" - Part 1  
FrontlineF71325Denny HendersonAdventures in Faith - Part 4: "The Favor of God"  
06-15-0372183Lon SolomonWhat It Takes To Not Embitter Your Children  
FrontlineF71326Ken BaughAdventures in Faith - Part 5: "Faith For The Crisis"  
06-22-0390526Ken Baugh"Faith Under Pressure"  
FrontlineF71327Ken BaughAdventures in Faith - Part 6: "Finding Faith After Failure"  
06-29-0372184Lon SolomonFourth of July Message - "Lest We Forget"
FrontlineF71328Lon SolomonLessons From the Life of David - Part 1 "David & Goliath"  
07-06-0344061Lon SolomonLife of Paul - Part 61: "The Holy Spirit" - Part 2  
FrontlineF71329Lon Solomon"Lessons From the Life of David" - Part 2 "David's Victories"  
07-13-0390527Johnny ParkerHow to Act Right, When People Act Wrong  
FrontlineF71330Lon Solomon"Lessons From the Life of David" - Part 3 "David & Bathsheba"  
07-20-0390528Denny Harris"Rest"  
FrontlineF90064Mike Hurt"The Impact of One Small Group"  
07-27-0390529Rich Hurst"A Life Worth Living"  
FrontlineF90065John Park "You Can Make A Difference"  
08-03-0390530Steve Fitzhugh"Seven Habits of Highly Effective Believers"  
FrontlineF90066Denny Henderson Live A Life Worth Questioning  
08-10-0390531John ParkCompelled by Grace  
FrontlineF71331Ken BaughThe Saint - Part 1: "The Key to the Kingdom of Heaven"  
08-17-0390532Jim SuppDangerous Faith  
FrontlineF71332Ken BaughThe Saint - Part 2: "The Joy of Salvatrion"  
08-24-0390533Ken Baugh@Rt7Unlocking the Mysteries of Heaven  
08-24-0390534Denny Harris@BHRPenetrating Secular Samaria  
FrontlineF71333Ken BaughThe Saint - Part 3: "Finding Joy in Complete Surrender"  
08-31-0390535Denny HendersonThe Favor of God  
FrontlineF71334Ken BaughThe Saint - Part 4: "The Joy of Desperation"  
09-07-0344062Lon SolomonLife of Paul - Part 62: "Making an Evangelistic Impact on our Community"  
FrontlineF71335Ken BaughThe Saint - Part 5: "What It Means to be Merciful"  
09-14-0344063Lon SolomonLife of Paul - Part 63: "Being Passionate for Christ"  
FrontlineF90067Dave EdwardsYes.Living  
09-21-0344064Lon SolomonLife of Paul - Part 64: "Leaving the Past Behind"
FrontlineF90068Mike HurtYes.Living Results in Impact  
09-28-0344065Lon SolomonLife of Paul - Part 65: "Can the Bible Stand the Test?"  
FrontlineF71336Ken BaughThe Saint - Part 6: "The Joy of Seeing God"  
10-05-0344066Lon SolomonLife of Paul - Part 66: "Going to Rome God's Way"  
FrontlineF71337Ken BaughThe Saint - Part 7: "The Joy of Making Peace"  
10-12-0344067Lon SolomonLife of Paul - Part 67: "The Government and the Believer"
FrontlineF90069John Park"Reach Washington... Reach the World"  
Lon Solomon"Don't Tell Us What God Can't Do".  
FrontlineF72017Lon SolomonLeaving a Legacy  
10-26-0344068Lon SolomonLife of Paul - Part 68: "Doing Things Right in the Sight of Men"  
FrontlineF71338Ken BaughThe Saint - Part 8: "The Joy of Persecution"  
11-02-0344069Lon SolomonLife of Paul - Part 69: "The Primacy of Teaching God's Word"  
FrontlineF90070Jim Supp"Jesus with Skin On"  
11-09-0390536Ken Baugh"Father, Forgive Them"  
FrontlineF71339Ken Baugh"Embracing the Pain"  
11-16-0390537Ken Baugh"Today You Will Be With Me In Paradise"
FrontlineF90071Rich Hurst"Celebrate Life"   
11-23-0344070Lon SolomonLife of Paul - Part 70: "Paul's Speech to the Ephesian Elders" - Part 1 "The Importance of Obedience"  
FrontlineF71340Ken BaughBeyond the DaVinci Codes - Part 1 "The Origins of the Bible"  
11-30-0372185Lon SolomonThanking God   
FrontlineF71341Ken BaughBeyond the DaVinci Codes - Part 2 "Is the Old Testament Reliable?"  
12-07-0344071Lon SolomonLife of Paul - Part 71: Paul's Speech to the Ephesian Elders - Part 2 "Absolute Surrender"   
FrontlineF71342Ken BaughBeyond the DaVinci Codes - Part 3 "Is the New Testament Reliable?"  
12-14-0344072Lon SolomonLife of Paul - Part 72: Paul's Speech to the Ephesian Elders - Part 3 "A Passion for Evangelism"  
FrontlineF71343Ken BaughBeyond the DaVinci Codes - Part 4 "Interview with Joel Rosenberg"  
12-21-0372186Lon SolomonHow to Become A New Person 
FrontlineF71344Ken BaughBeyond the DaVinci Codes - Part 5 "Is Jesus of Nazareth the Messiah?"  
12-28-0390538Ken Baugh "The Agony of the Soul"  
FrontlineF71345Ken BaughBeyond the DaVinci Codes - Part 6 "Jesus Christ: Myth, Man, or God?"  